Friday, February 26, 2010

It's been a long week....

....I can hardly wait for Sunday, I need a day off. My Americorp term ends on May 1st, and suddenly the rest of my life is looming ahead. This week consisted of me having a meltdown every night until coming to the conclusion of college. I decided to apply to some universities for the fall semester... it's going to be odd going back to school. It'll be good though.

Anyway, I met up with another photographer friend this week, Jordan Blanchard. I photographed him for literally about 4 minutes and then he shot me. Here are my two favorites:



And these are 2 photographs I snapped at work today.



Speaking of work. This is the other photographer/designer at my job. He made a friend today....


Also, I'm small. I look like I could be Tom and Heidi's offspring. Hahaha.


By the way, right now I'm resizing my photographs to 650px, and uploading them to flickr. The quality is absolutely HORRIBLE though, as you can see on my blog. Any solutions to this? Hhhmmm.

Oh, I painted this week too. Both are birthday gifts to two of my friends at work.



Yeeeeep. Well that's all the photographs I got for ya. I've been listening to these CDs a lot this week though:

And admiring this illustration: (I have no idea who did it, if you know who's it is, please let me know!)




  1. hey girlie! You are talented and amazing! i love your second painting! Would you be in seattle in three years? you could help take my senior pictures? Love and miss you girl!

  2. fantastic! i love that you include influences too. it's great great great. and your encouraging paintings. so good :)

  3. I love the parking guy. He's such a lovely person. Your pictures are so incredible, Jen. It really is a gift. As sad at it is, a lot of these portraits are of people who would be overlooked, passed over. Ignored. And you capture them in way that...I can't really even explain it. It's like how Jesus saw (sees) people. You'll probably laugh your great-big-wonderful-singing laugh when you read that, but that's the best way I can describe it.

  4. all great photos, and yes, you could be their offspring. bam
